Friday 8 July 2011

Attached by feelings,detached by distance...

From distance I hear your voice,
Yet it fails to make a difference

Has distance divided us,
Multiplying our growing differences.

As my thoughts venture into the space,
finding yours is another maze
frequency of meeting your  thoughts is a distant echo...

In those suspense moments,
Suspicion breeds..
 have your thoughts found another way,
 forgetting we got to stay till we grey..

Dark at night,
my thoughts search you in the dreams,
no one to hear its screams,
left alone to bark....

Disappointment makes a perpetual appointment,
need i say ,your are its ointment..

As the sun shines , i see its eclipses
As the moon signs in,
the signs get darker and options farther

My thoughts grow in size,
They lose balance and trip,
From my head to my heart...

A soft thud,
gives birth to another bud,
Far away from the mud....

Empty spaces here made me stronger,
no thing stranger ,
Every thing, familiar.....

My thoughts danced on the empty floor,
Spilling all my soar...

Distance had widened the stage,
For our thoughts to engage..

More space to dance,
For our love enhance,
No more fence, hence on

My thoughts had stopped thinking,
They started feeling.......
With head far across,
Logic had lost its voice

Distance doesn’t know division,
It knows multiplication........
As for my thoughts , they hate maths.....they love chemistry......

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